After the buzz of the festive period is over, January can sometimes make us all feel a little low. We all overindulge over Christmas and there is always the price to pay in January. With this in mind we have come up with our top ten ways to beat the January blues and kick start the new year!

1. Exercise

Even doing a little bit of exercise is good for us. Whether shrinking that Christmas bulge or getting some fresh air, exercise releases the happy hormones, endorphins, which lift our mood and make us feel better. Also being outside in the daylight means that we produce more serotonin which lifts our moods even more.

2. Eat Well

If the overindulgence of Christmas has taken its toll, then making a few changes to your diet cannot only help shift a few pounds but also makes us feel a lot better and happier. January is the time for adding some super foods into your diet and taking out alcohol and sugar.

3. Try Something New

January is the perfect time of year to try something new. Whether it be learning a new skill, taking up a new hobby or learning a new sport. Learning new things is great for keeping our brains active and is a great way to meet new people.

4. Plan an active social life

Keeping busy and social can help us feeling cheery in the New Year. After the commotion of Christmas and New Years, January can often feel very quiet. Keep your diary full to stop yourself becoming down in the dumps.

5. Plan a holiday

Having something to look forward to is always a great way to improve your mood. Take some time to plan your perfect trip and find the best deal. This not only gives you something to focus on now but also gives you something to look forward to.

6. Sale shopping

You either love it or hate it but shopping make a lot of us feel better. Finding a great bargain in the sale make us feel great and there are always plenty of bargains to be had!

7. Have a tidy out

This is spring cleaning come early. With festivities of Christmas a distant memory but the clutter a current problem having a clear out can help us feel better as well as giving us more space and making us realise how much stuff we have and don’t ever use.

8 . Rearrange a room

Whether you are trying to introduce the principles of Feng Shui or just fancy a little change around. Rearranging a room can rearrange your perspectives. If you had ever thought that your bedroom is the wrong way around, now is the time to change it.

9 . Make a New Year’s resolution you can keep

Nearly everyone starts the New Year with a resolution, but nearly all of us fall at the first hurdle. Take some time out to think about what you actually want to achieve and then give yourself small attainable goals that will help you reach your overall aim.

10. Catch up on sleep

Doctors suggest that we need seven to ten hours of sleep a night so try and get that every night. Keep your sleep pattern regular with your bedtime and waking time consistent so your body knows what to expect.

However you decide to beat the January Blues, all of us here at Myakka would like to wish you a very Happy New Year!