Over the July sale we worked hard to try and clear all of our clearance furniture, as we want to give everything a home. So any furniture left after the summer sale has been donated to various charities and organisations including local schools and charities such as Genesis Trust.

As part of the Myakka ethos we want to ensure that nothing is wasted and that if we can help out a good cause, we do. For this reason we have been working to make sure that our clearance furniture which may have been damaged in transit or is second’s quality is passed on to a good home.

As we are growing and growing and introducing more new furniture lines (keep your eyes peeled for the new Autumn Catalogue!) we need more space. Before the summer sale, nearly a whole warehouse at Myakka HQ was full of clearance furniture. Our warehouse guys and shop ladies have been working hard to try and shrink this down and any of the remaining furniture has been donated to local good causes.  Local schools have collected lots of furniture that will be used by their design technology departments for students to use. A large amount of the furniture was also collected by the Genesis Trust who work with the long- time unemployed in the Bath area to train them in skills such as furniture making and renovation and gain a recognised qualification. We have donated some of our damaged furniture in the past to The Woodworks project run by the Genesis Trust, they have either renovated the furniture or up-cycled it to create a completely new piece of furniture.  All the finished pieces are then sold in their furniture charity shops to make profit for the charity to reinvest in more projects.

We love the fact that some of our unwanted furniture is going towards helping people learn and getting a good home in the process.  We try and recycle as much as possible and by supporting local schools and charities we are ensuring that our furniture is being recycled too!