This Friday we held a fair trade tea party at lunch time to say goodbye to our Creative Manager, Alexandra. Alexandra has been with Myakka for many years and her role has developed and changed with the growth of Myakka, from working in the Warehouse Shop to helping with designing the catalogue and new furniture pieces.
To celebrate her leaving and moving on we held a Myakka style fair trade tea party where we all brought a plate of food. Some of the most popular dishes were Veronica’s mini pasties (still warm!), Amelia’s olives and humus, Georgie’s egg sandwiches and then all the sweet food including Donna’s famous Malteser cake made with fair trade maltesers, Paul’s delicious sticky mars-bar cake and Natalie’s fair trade chocolate brownies. As part of the Big Fair Bake, organised by the Fair Trade Foundation, we all used as many fair trade ingredients as possible such as chocolates, sugar and nuts. Make sure any fair trade baking you do you register on the Fair Trade Foundations ‘Take a Step‘ website. This involves us all taking a step for fair trade and then registering our steps to help reach the target of 1,500,000 steps for fair trade this year.
The whole team took an hour off and gave Alexandra a sending off to remember. We all ate far too much and Friday afternoon was taken at a slightly slower pace than normal.  Floe the dog was very excited by the whole event and spent the afternoon trying to catch the crumbs or any dropped food! She especially followed Rich from the warehouse around watching every bite he took!
Alexandra has the most amount of Myakka knowledge (she has nearly done every job here!) and will be sorely missed by the whole Myakka team. She is always smiling and always has something nice to say about everyone and everything.  We hope she remembers to pop in and see us once in a while and will always be welcome (especially if she brings some of her flapjacks!). We are all sorry you’re leaving but wish you the best of luck in the future!