We have been working with SKSN School in Jodhpur, Rajasthan since January 2008 and since then we have been regularly donating to the school to help buy things like shoes, medicine, desks, food, cooking pots and textbooks. The school is home to around 550 physically challenged children and provides vocational training scheme for school leavers, teaching school leavers seamstress skills.

Since we first visited the School we were keen to do our bit to improve the lives of the children it helps. We have helped to develop a vocational training centre (VTC) which teaches a selection of school leaver’s skills that will last a lifetime. Through this young adults are taught seamstress skills and through our trade programme make cushions, bedspreads and bags that we are able to sell. These are products are the very essence of fair trade. Made using locally sourced, ethical materials, providing well paid, fair trade employment and an enthusiastic setting.

We are just about to make our regular annual donation so we can continue to support this amazing cause. Out donations will help the school in supporting children who may otherwise not get an education and ensure that it can continue to support these children for many years to come.

We are always working on different ways that we can help the School and develop the VTC project.  We are working hard with the VTC project to develop new products to join our current selection and we hope that we can help more young people develop a skill that will last them a lifetime.

As part of our fair trade principles we want everything we do to benefit the communities we work with both in India and here in the UK and we work hard to ensure that we are doing the best we can for others where we can.