This year the men at team Myakka will join thousands of other men across the country (and the world) supporting Movember by growing a moustache.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with Movember, it is a charity event aimed at raising awareness and money for men’s health.  The guys will start clean shaven on November 1st and then grow a moustache until the end of November when they can shave it off, or of course keep it!

The aim of Movember is to raise awareness of men’s health particularly prostate and testicular cancer. Every Mo bro signs up to grow a moustache for the 30 days of November and in doing so becomes a walking, talking billboard for the cause. The aim is to create conversations, raise awareness as well as raising money for some really good causes.

Movember started in Melbourne, Australia and since then has grown to inspire over 1.9 million Mo bros and Mo Sistas all over the world with official campaigns taking place in Australia, UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Ireland, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Belgium and the Czech Republic.

No matter the country or city, Movember will continue to work to change established habits and attitudes men have about their health, to educate men about the health risks they face, and to act on that knowledge, thereby increasing the chances of early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment.

In 2011, over 854,000 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas around the world got on board, raising £79.3 million and in 2012 the aim is to match this and more!

Big steps have been taken towards changing attitudes and habits relating to men’s health around the world but there is still much to be done to catch up with the women’s health movement. Via the moustache, Movember aims to fulfil its vision of having an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health, by continuing to spark conversation and spread awareness of men’s health each year.

We will of course be updating the blog with the progress of team Myakka so make sure you check back to see how the guys are getting along.

Here is how the boys looked on the first day of the challenge…