Many of our regular readers will know that twice a year we visit our suppliers over in Jodhpur, India to go through new lines, monitor quality and to meet our sub-contractors. Simon has just returned home from the latest trip with bags full of new soft furnishing designs and lots of images to show all the new furniture lines.

Whilst Simon was visiting our suppliers he signed off lots of new furniture lines which will be coming out in Spring 2013. These trips over to India are really important to us as it means we can work with our suppliers to ensure that the new furniture designs are exactly as we want them. As many of our furniture designs are based on customer requests, so we work extra hard to make sure the finished product is exactly what is wanted.

As well as our furniture supplier, Simon also visited our soft-furnishings supplier. We have been working with this supplier for about 18 months now and have come up with some great new designs for Spring 2012. Again a lot of our new designs are based on customer feedback so please let us know on Facebook, Twitter and Google+, or drop us an email to  if you think there is something missing from the Myakka range.

During the trip Simon visited SKSN School who we support with regular donations and by trade links with the Vocational Training Centre. The School is home to around 550 physically challenged children and about 50 able bodied children.  Many of the children board at the school which is completely free for all to attend. The school receives little state funding which is why it is vital for the school to receive funding from companies like Myakka.

During his visit to the school, Simon was taught by the girls at the Vocational Training Centre how to sew on a button. The girls also presented Simon with a tapestry made by them thanking Myakka. Myakka helps develop the Vocational Training Centre to allow girls who have finished their formal education, to train in needle work so they are able to find work when they leave the school. As part of our most recent donation, the school bought uniform for all the children which the children now proudly wear to school.