As always, we are supporting Fair Trade Fortnight 2011. This annual event organised by the Fair Trade Foundation is themed on ‘Show us your Label’ and takes place between the 28th February and 13th March 2011.  The aim is to encourage people to be loud and proud about supporting and buying fair trade products.

We’re having a special fair trade tea party to demonstrate our support for Fair Trade Fortnight.  Showing off their labels in fair trade cotton T-shirts, the team will enjoy a selection of fair trade tea time treats including cakes made from fair trade chocolate, coffee and bananas, nuts, a selection of fresh and dried fruits as well as the essential tea and coffee.

‘Our business is based firmly on the principles of fair trade and it’s essential to us that we show support and help raise awareness of the Fair Trade Foundation during this increasingly important occasion.  Our Big Bag Swap last year was such a success we had to find way to top it.  Given that we all love a cake or two, a fair trade tea party seemed like the perfect event!’ commented Georgie Hopkins, Director at Myakka.

Last year we took part in the Big Swap which aimed to create one million and one swaps to fair trade products by running a Big Bag Swap inviting customer to swap ten plastic carrier bags for reusable, fair trade Myakka Jute bags.  The year before found the team were stuffing their faces again, taking part in the record breaking fair trade banana eating campaign.  This year’s ‘show off you label’ campaign hopes to show that the British public want a fair deal for the people who produce their products.

Anyone can take part in showing off their label by having an event which shouts about the importance of fair trade products.  Alternatively you can join the Fair Trade Foundation’s attempt to set a world record with the longest string of bunting, made from fair trade cotton.  For more information and to show your support, visit