We have recently made our next donation of £5,000 the Somerset Community Foundation. This will be matched by the government to take the Myakka Grass Root Fund up to £20,000. Community Foundations are charities dedicated to strengthening local communities and tackling issues of disadvantage and exclusion.  The Somerset Community Foundation was set up in 2002 to provide an independent funding body to tackle poverty and disadvantage throughout Somerset.

We have always supported our suppliers and their local communities in northern India following the principles of fair trade. Earlier this year, we donated a proportion of our profits to SKSN School as well as developing further community projects to help empower older children with the ability to support themselves and their families.

Georgie and Simon, our founders recently visited the Penselwood Community Allotment Scheme which has received vital support from the Somerset Community Foundation . The aim was to create a successful productive allotment producing fresh, affordable food for the community and the grant from Somerset Community Foundation enabled the group to install an essential waster supply to 12 allotment patches.

Somerset Community Foundation provides grants to local small, voluntary and community groups at the grassroots level.  We have been based in Wincanton, Somerset since we were founded eleven years ago and we all feel it is important to support our local community ad we would like to encourage groups who may benefit from a grant to visit www.somersetcf.org.uk for more information. Applying is kept as simple as possible with the minimal amount of paperwork possible. The board consider applications every 6 – 8 weeks; the next deadline for applications is the 16th November.