Simon M, our Warehouse manager, is heading to Haiti in October for two weeks to help build an orphanage for 45 children many of whom were orphaned by the 2010 earthquake. He will be part of a team of 14 who are going to help construct three new  bedrooms and a small kitchen. This will double the amount of bedrooms at the orphanage and provide them with a fully functioning kitchen area.

UNICEF reports that Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with under half of all children attending primary school and just 2% finishing secondary school. The devastating earthquake that hit in 2010 has greatly exacerbated the difficulties faced by children and their families. It is estimated that some 3,000+ children live on the streets of Port Au Prince who are open to abuse and exploitation. Due to the extreme poverty, lack of education and resources, children are often not cared for in the same way as we would as expect as parents fight to survive, children are often left to fend for themselves.

Simon will be going over to Hathi with the charity Bright Tomorrows. A UK based charity dedicated to bringing real and lasting change to the life of children at risk, especially those who have been disadvantaged through extreme poverty and/or homelessness. The charity first visited Haiti after the earthquake with urgent medical supplies, food and tents. The charity also established relationships with orphanages around Port Au Prince and provided support and help where possible. A team from Bright Tomorrows later visited Haiti in February 2011 and decided that their next aim was to develop an orphanage on the outskirts of the city in a more rural area. The project will cost a total of £7,000 with half it being raised already!

The team of volunteers will be working to build the orphanage in warm, humid conditions of around 33°C. October is also the last month of the hurricane season! Food in Haiti is in short supply, the locals mainly eat rice based dishes with some form of chicken or other meat. Plantains are used a great deal in the cooking. Food is generally bland with a slight salty taste.

If you would like to help with this amazing and worthwhile project please visit the Bright Tomorrows Just Giving page by clicking here>>. Or for more information on Bright Tomorrrows please visit their website by clicking here>>.